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Earn, save, spend, or give money with confidence, intention, and design.

Positive Money
Cindy Morgan-Jaffe
Cindy Morgan-Jaffe,
creator of the Positive Money Club

Unfortunately, too many of us let our relationship with money stop us from living our dreams.

➡️ We're embarrassed by our level of financial literacy.
➡️ We think everyone else has it together.
➡️ We want our kids to be financially secure yet have no idea how to do that for ourselves.
➡️ We tie our self-worth to our net worth.
➡️ We're stuck in patterns of underearning or overspending.

That's why I created the Positive Money Club,

wrote a book called Positive Money - 7 Principles for Living a Rich Life,

and offer a FREE monthly workshop introducing you to Positive Money. 





So you can avoid...


and end up instead with...

  • A thoughtful plan for your money in the years ahead and once you're gone.

  • Skills and resources you need for communicating your wants and needs.

  • Clarity around the impact you want to make and how money plays a role.












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Invite Positive Money Club founder Cindy Morgan-Jaffe to speak at your convention, school, or professional group. 

Positive Money Workshop

Positive Money will help you identify your relationship with money and what it needs to shift to live a happy, fulfilling, and rich life -- regardless of your circumstances. 


Bill Carmody, Chief Coaching Officer

Positive Intelligence

"Cindy’s coaching and her Positive Money Principles have kept me calm, clear, and focused so I can be courageous as I reinvent my business to be more in line with the impact I want to generate in the world." 


Janna Jorgensen, Creator of the Human Impact Framework


About Positive Money

The Positive Money Club was created by Cindy Morgan-Jaffe, an author, coach, and expert on how humans relate to money. Her work is dedicated to helping individuals have a healthy relationship with money to lead sustainable and balanced lives. 

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